Zero dark thirty poster
Zero dark thirty poster

zero dark thirty poster

Although the movie isn't perfect it has some issues these being a not very entertaining climax, some boring scenes and the handheld camera being used too often. If you are a person who enjoys historic dramas then I highly recommend you watch "Zero Dark Thirty" as it has splendid acting, an amazing plot and great music. One of "Zero Dark Thirty's" biggest problems is the camera work pretty much every scene in the movie the cameraman is holding the camera, for some scenes it can be found tolerable but others, it's just annoying and overused. "Alexandry Desplat" exceeds in composing sad and dramatic music, which fits in perfectly for every scene it is in. "Jessica Chastain" gives the audience a great performance as "Maya" along with "Chris Pratt", he give a splendid performance as well.

zero dark thirty poster

The movie's climax is somewhat entertaining it's filmed in the dark while occasionally showing the perspective of a soldier wearing night vision goggles. There are some scenes in the movie that just are boring and make the movie drag on. Throughout the movie it shows "Maya's" character change as she goes from a shy and awkward girl to a strong and independent woman. This is a dark way to allow the audience to know what the movie is about. The movie starts off with voices yelling on one of the flights of the "September 11 attacks". During her work for the government she has devoted her time to finding the psychotic man known as "Osama Bin Laden" and bringing down the his followers known as "Al Qaeda". The plot to "Zero Dark Thirty" is that a woman named "Maya" who works for the government and the military, has experienced the biggest terrorist attacks on "America" for the since 1998 to 2011. "Zero Dark Thirty" uses drama to tell the story of the terrorism that has been happening to "Americans" for the last 10 years.

Zero dark thirty poster